Please click the link below to view the BTHK Database to date: September 2024.
TheĀ annual database report may be downloaded by clicking the link below.
The tables in the annual report have been specifically designed for use by arborists and foresters for: a) a rapid risk assessment into the likelihood a tree they are proposing to prune or fell might hold roosting bats; and, b) to inform their inspection of that tree for PRF in order to decide whether there are reasonable grounds to conclude a roost might be present.
Bat Tree Habitat Key – DATABASE REPORT – 2022
Please note BTHK assumes intellectual property rights (IPR) on photographs and videos already submitted prior to July 2023. We assume recorders are happy for BTHK and BCT to share photographs and videos with the BTHK Facebook Group, use them on the BTHK and BCT websites and in any BCT and BTHK publication and future Apps we may develop. All photographs or videos will be credited to the 1st recorder. If anyone would like to withdraw their consent for any photographs and videos submitted prior to July 2023 or would like to change who the photograph/video is credited to, please contact us directly at